In a vivid, surreal landscape, the planet Earth is depicted as a massive, three-dimensional pie chart floating in space. The pie, painted in vibrant blues and greens to represent land and water, is divided into two unequal sections: a small 2% slice has been carved out and hovers just off to the side. This slice, painted in shimmering golds and silvers, represents the wealthy elite. On this section, opulent mansions, luxury yachts, and skyscrapers rise from the surface, all adorned with sparkling jewels and excessive wealth. Small, polished figures dressed in extravagant attire stand smugly on this slice, isolated in their wealth. The remaining 98% of the pie is painted in earthy, worn tones—dark browns, grays, and muted greens. This vast portion of the planet is filled with chaotic energy, representing the non-rich masses. Crumbling cities, overcrowded neighborhoods, and barren lands stretch across this slice. Angry, distorted figures—twisted and exaggerated—emerge from the surface, clawing and charging toward the wealthy slice. Their faces are filled with desperation and rage, some armed with broken tools, banners, and abstract symbols of rebellion. The landscape of this larger slice seems alive, writhing and bending as if the Earth itself is part of the uprising. The space around the pie is deep, dark, and cosmic, with abstract symbols of power, wealth, and inequality subtly floating in the background. The sky is filled with strange celestial bodies and faint, ghostly outlines of money and resources flowing toward the small rich slice. The colors are rich and intense, with a surreal blend of glowing neons and earthy tones, giving the painting an ominous, otherworldly atmosphere. The overall scene evokes a tense confrontation, representing the growing disparity between the rich and the rest of the world." This prompt captures the surrealist style while visualizing the stark inequality between wealth and poverty on Earth.

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FLUX.1 [pro]
Guidance 3
Seed 6866733060757821
Steps 25
In a vivid, surreal landscape, the planet Earth is depicted as a massive, three-dimensional pie chart floating in space. The pie, painted in vibrant blues and greens to represent land and water, is divided into two unequal sections: a small 2% slice has been carved out and hovers just off to the side. This slice, painted in shimmering golds and silvers, represents the wealthy elite. On this section, opulent mansions, luxury yachts, and skyscrapers rise from the surface, all adorned with sparkling jewels and excessive wealth. Small, polished figures dressed in extravagant attire stand smugly on this slice, isolated in their wealth.

The remaining 98% of the pie is painted in earthy, worn tones—dark browns, grays, and muted greens. This vast portion of the planet is filled with chaotic energy, representing the non-rich masses. Crumbling cities, overcrowded neighborhoods, and barren lands stretch across this slice. Angry, distorted figures—twisted and exaggerated—emerge from the surface, clawing and charging toward the wealthy slice. Their faces are filled with desperation and rage, some armed with broken tools, banners, and abstract symbols of rebellion. The landscape of this larger slice seems alive, writhing and bending as if the Earth itself is part of the uprising.

The space around the pie is deep, dark, and cosmic, with abstract symbols of power, wealth, and inequality subtly floating in the background. The sky is filled with strange celestial bodies and faint, ghostly outlines of money and resources flowing toward the small rich slice. The colors are rich and intense, with a surreal blend of glowing neons and earthy tones, giving the painting an ominous, otherworldly atmosphere. The overall scene evokes a tense confrontation, representing the growing disparity between the rich and the rest of the world."

This prompt captures the surrealist style while visualizing the stark inequality between wealth and poverty on Earth.