Title: "AI Podcast Duo: Decoding Science" Scene: A vibrantly colored, cartoon-style illustration of two friendly-looking AI robots recording a podcast in a futuristic studio. Details: 1. Two AI robots sit across from each other at a round table. 2. Robot 1: Bright blue with glowing green "eyes" and a built-in microphone as a mouth. 3. Robot 2: Vivid orange with purple LED eyes and an antenna as "hair". 4. Between them floats a holographic scientific article with formulas and diagrams. 5. The table has built-in touchscreens with glowing buttons and meters. 6. The background is a gradient from hot pink to electric yellow, with floating binary code. 7. Above the robots hangs a neon "ON AIR" sign in flashing red. 8. Sound waves in rainbow colors flow from the robots' "mouths". 9. Small floating emojis (🧠💡🔬) around the scene for extra visual effect. Style: Vibrant, contrasting colors. Cartoon-like lines with a modern, tech-savvy twist. The overall mood should be energetic, friendly, and slightly futuristic. Purpose: An eye-catching, colorful image that captures the essence of AI making science accessible, in a cheerful, attractive style perfect for social media.