In the heart of an enchanted forest, three children meet the fairy Lucia, who shines amidst the magical light. Lucia: An enchanting fairy, with translucent and shiny wings that reflect the colors of the forest. She has long silver hair, a dress made of petals and flowers, and a radiant smile of gratitude floating in the air. In her hands, she holds the crystals that they hand her. 9-year-old girl: With long, curly, blonde hair, wearing a simple red dress and black shoes. In her hands, a blue crystal shines that she has just handed to the fairy. Heloisa (8 years old): Next to the first girl, Heloisa has long, curly, red hair, wearing a simple blue dress and shoes. She also hands the fairy a green crystal. Bernardo (8 years old): On the right, a boy with short, straight black hair, wearing glasses. He wears a white T-shirt, black shorts and sneakers, with a backpack on his back, observing the scene in awe. The setting is vibrant and magical, with towering trees, colorful flowers and an atmosphere of joy, capturing the essence of Pixar's 3D style.