Create a set of 14 minimalist, two-tone icons for various app functions, arranged in a 3x5 grid (with the last row having only 2 icons) on a dark gray background. Use a color scheme of warm orange and light gray with subtle gradients and overlapping elements for depth. Icon designs, from top-left to bottom-right: Contrast: Overlapping orange and gray circles Popsicle: Gray popsicle shape with orange stick Zap: Orange triangle overlapping gray triangle Stack: Overlapping orange and gray rounded squares File: Orange rectangle with folded gray corner Map Pin: Gray pin on orange circle Image: Gray mountain silhouette with orange sun Mail: Orange envelope with gray flap User: Gray circle atop orange semicircle Check: Orange square with gray checkmark Send: Orange paper airplane with gray accent Bag: Orange shopping bag with gray handle Payment: Overlapping orange and gray credit cards Messaging: Orange and gray overlapping speech bubbles Style details: Flat design with subtle gradients for depth Soft shadows and highlights to create a slight 3D effect Consistent line weights and rounded corners Icons sized uniformly within the grid Small text labels below each icon in light gray, using a sans-serif font Overall composition: Icons evenly spaced in the grid Consistent size and visual weight across all icons Clean, modern aesthetic suitable for dark mode interfaces Ensure the entire composition has a cohesive, professional look with attention to detail in the overlapping elements and gradient effects.