A volcano in the center of the image, positioned slightly off-center towards the bottom third. The volcano is rugged and realistic, with sharp, jagged edges covered in dark, charred rock. The eruption is mid-action, with electric blue lava streaming down the sides of the volcano and bursting into the sky. The blue lava is glowing intensely, casting an ethereal light on the surrounding scene. As the lava reaches the air, it starts to morph into delicate, pure white butterflies. These butterflies are in various states of transformation—some are still partially lava, while others are fully formed and fluttering upwards. The butterflies are scattered, creating a dynamic path that spirals upward, becoming smaller as they ascend higher into the sky. The sky is dark, nearly black, with subtle hints of deep navy blue, providing stark contrast against the electric blue lava and white butterflies. The butterflies have a soft glow, making them stand out against the dark background. The lighting is dramatic, with strong highlights on the lava and butterflies, while the rest of the image fades into shadow. The overall composition is surreal but photorealistic, with meticulous details in the lava texture, butterfly wings, and volcanic rock.