The scene belongs to a fantasy world inhabited by humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins and other fantastic creatures. In this case, the camera focuses on a humble peasant house that is located in the outskirts of a small rural village. It has been built with traditional materials (wooden pillars, adobe walls, plaster coating), with a wooden and straw roof, with a single floor, and presents the austerity typical of a fantastic medieval rural environment. The building is a traditional peasant house, elongated, with half used as a home and the other half to house livestock, with a central chimney and low walls (the interior is sunken into the ground). The building is located in an area where it shares space with orchards, a small stream and other similar buildings. Behind the building you can see the stone walls that surround the settlement on which it depends and on the wide horizon the mountains and forests that form the valley, with lush vegetation and enormous and wonderful trees in reddish and golden tones, while autumn approaches, on a cold afternoon.