A breathtaking, high-resolution, cinematic animation scene set in a cozy, softly-lit café, capturing Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde on a romantic date. Judy, the small, energetic gray rabbit, sits on one side of the table, her large violet eyes shimmering with affection. She wears a simple, elegant light blue dress that contrasts with her soft fur, and her long ears perk up slightly as she listens to Nick. Her tiny hands gently hold a warm cup of coffee, steam swirling up in the golden light of the café. Across from her, Nick Wilde, the sly and charming red fox, leans back casually, wearing his signature green Hawaiian shirt, but with a more refined touch—his sleeves slightly rolled up, revealing his sleek, reddish-brown fur. His emerald green eyes gleam with warmth and a playful smile curves his snout. His bushy tail rests calmly beside him, swaying ever so slightly as they talk. The café around them is full of warm, ambient lighting—soft oranges and yellows glow from the hanging lights and candles on the tables, casting delicate shadows on the polished wood. The background is richly detailed with other anthropomorphic animals seated in booths, chatting quietly as raindrops gently tap against the large café windows, emphasizing the cozy, intimate atmosphere inside. The texture of the fur on both Judy and Nick is incredibly detailed, with each strand visible in the soft lighting, making their expressions and movements feel lifelike. The delicate interaction between their eyes and hands conveys their affection, creating a beautiful, heartfelt moment in a romantic, relaxed café setting