A dynamic, ultra-detailed paper-cut animation set in the lively metropolis of Zootopia, with the iconic characters from The Boss Baby integrated seamlessly into the vibrant, animal-populated world. The bustling streets of the city are filled with anthropomorphic animals going about their daily lives, towering skyscrapers and detailed urban elements forming the background. In the foreground, the suited-up Boss Baby stands confidently with his signature smug expression, holding a briefcase, while his team—Tim and the other babies—are dressed in tiny business outfits, looking serious yet comical in this animalistic environment. The city's energy is felt through layered, paper-cut street scenes, with trains zooming past and animals of all sizes walking the sidewalks. The warm, detailed environment contrasts with the humorous, sharp-cut expressions of the baby characters, highlighting the fusion of two completely different worlds in a quirky, engaging style. The paper textures bring depth to the scenes, making each layer of the city and characters feel alive and vibrant