A bright, cheerful house made entirely of lemons, situated in a sunny citrus grove. The walls are constructed from whole lemons, neatly arranged in rows with their bright yellow peels forming a mosaic pattern. Some lemons are sliced in half, with the juicy, translucent sections facing outwards, giving the walls a textured, vibrant look. The roof is made of overlapping lemon slices, arranged like shingles, with a few drops of lemon juice glistening under the sunlight. The windows are cut- out sections framed by thick lemon rinds, with thin slices of lemons forming delicate curtains that cast soft, yellow- tinted light into the interior. The door is an arched opening edged with thick wedges of lemon, the pith and zest clearly visible, creating a fresh and zesty frame. A path made from lemon slices leads up to the house, surrounded by lemon trees full of ripe fruit. Around the house, there are whimsical decorations made of citrus, such as a lemon wreath on the door and a small garden with lemon- shaped topiaries and a lemon juice fountain trickling into a lemon- shaped basin